Our work is guided by several important principles, including a commitment to a holistic approach to development. We focus on a small geographic area and support multiple and complementary initiatives. Our projects seek to improve access to quality education and health care, the protection of the environment, the improvement of agricultural productivity, the support of local enterprises, and other endeavors that will benefit the daily lives of community members.

We believe in the effectiveness of small-scale, locally-adapted projects. Small projects that are generated from within the community and that are compatible with existing cultural practices have a better chance of success than large-scale, one-size-fits-all interventions. We try to respond to locally perceived needs and to harness existing community organizations (such as women’s groups, mutual aid societies, schools, and churches) wherever possible.

In light of the growing socioeconomic gap in small villages and towns throughout the Maragoli region, we give preference to projects that increase equity through poverty reduction. We seek to fund projects that have broad community support and that will benefit those who have been disadvantaged by poverty, illness, or misfortune. We especially encourage projects that involve both men and women.

In addition, we support sustainable development proposals that demonstrate steps already taken to raise a portion of the necessary funds. We encourage proposals that will use seed money to create self-sufficiency rather than projects that assume a long-term dependency on outside support.

Financial accountability and transparency are the final governing principles of the organization. We take seriously our fiduciary responsibilities as stewards of donor funds, and we have numerous financial safeguards in place to ensure that donations are spent properly. We believe in keeping overhead costs as low as possible, and our board members and project coordinator are deeply committed to ensuring that all funds are spent wisely.